Решил купить автос, но с фокусами российского авто рынка знаком мало, чем больше вникаю тем больше проникаюсь.
Детей лейтенанта Шмитта в этой части бизнеса по моему развелось больше чем..., некоторые даже имен не меняют.
Приведу пример - нахожу автос в Саратове, начинаю пробивать хозяина чем настойчивей прибиваю тем он настойчивей требует предоплату... Причем когда я сказал что у меня билет на самолет в кармане и я готов через 4 часа привезти всю сумму сразу, оказалось что он из деревни а беспрерывные дожди отрезали его от цивилизации
Второй вариант тачка сказка, телефн хозяина есть, но.... неверно набран номер, отсылаю сообщение одно второе, концовка...
Пожалуйста, уделите несколько минут и внимательно прочитайте мою e-mail.
Я прошу прощения, но, что я не владеющих русским языком. Если вы не понимаете английском, пожалуйста, используйте Google Translate, переводы с английского на русский здесь:
http://translate.google.ru/#en/ru/My name is Alexander Schmidt. улыбнуло Дети капитана Шмита...
I work for an international logistics and financial company. We are selling this vehicle on behalf of a Russian customer ( the owner of the car is a Russian citizen living abroad). My job is to present the vehicle to all potential buyers, so Please excuse the length of my letter, and take a few minutes to read it. We receive too many e-mails, We want to filter the potential buyers from all unsolicited e-mails and spam, or the time wasting persons
I will explain you all the aspects of the transaction :
The car is currently registered in Russia, has Russian documents ( ПТС ) and the customs taxes are already paid by the owner. (Customs clearance)
This car belongs to a Russian diplomat who works in the Russian Embassy here in Poland; it was his personal vehicle. The Owner of the car has signed a Contract with us, and Our company has the right to sell this car in his behalf, as he cannot return to Russia now and he doesn't have time to take care of the sale, as he is very busy due to the nature of his job.
All the registrations fees, Customs fees and Taxes Were Previously paid, so there will not be anything to Pay When the car Will be Returned to Russia. The new Buyer of the car WON'T pay any other fees.
All documents are in order; We are authorized to complete all the legal procedures needed for the sale and registration of the car. We will help and/or assist the Buyer with registration procedure of the vehicle, if requested by the Buyer;
The car has been inspected very carefully and meticulously by our certified mechanics, and it really is in Great condition, NO Flaws; (an Inspection Report is available) It looks and runs like new; It does not have a scratch, was kept in a garage, all revisions were made on time at Dealer, NO repairs needed. Also, the number of kilometers is real.
The car is located in Warsaw, Poland, in our warehouse. We will deliver the car to any city in Russia. The delivery taxes will be paid by the current owner (in range of 5.000 km from Warsaw) If you live farther, We will need your location to calculate extra delivery fees. According to the company, the delivery will take about 7-15 days.
We will make a Sale Contract with the new buyer, where the terms of transaction will be stipulated: the car is the one in the pictures I've sent earlier, in the condition described in my e-mail and in the Inspection Report; The buyer will benefit of 5 days to make his own verification and inspection, as well as the possibility of being refunded in full if something happens during delivery or there are hidden faults found;
The transaction is similar to buying a new car from your local dealer or buying a vehicle from a dealer in USA, Japan, Germany etc. Our company's headquarters are based in Germany and We have all the licenses and certifications for such transactions. Also the transaction will be made accordingly to the EU commerce laws and standards.
Please send me your Full Name and Full Location (city) to calculate if there are any extra delivery fees.
It is best to discuss the contractual terms and all the legal aspects of the transaction with my colleagues from the Sales Department.They will provide you further details regarding the car (including a full inspection of it) and they will explain and guide you through the buying process. My job is only to advertise and present the car to all potential buyers.
Let me know if you are interested and reply back.
We don't make exchanges with other vehicles.
Thank You!Я вам прислал оригинал переведите кому интересно
Это еще не все, что смущает если средняя цена на искомый автос 2007год стоит например 25 штук с пробегом 200 тысяч,
то московские автосалоны в половине случаев будут продавать за эти деньги автос 2010 -11 год только с пробегом 25- 90 тысяч.
Как только подобный автос продает реальный частник автос стоит уже 35-40 тысяч...
Это уже не скрученнные спидометры, такого просто не может быть, таких цен нет даже в европе, но эти машины продаются и сейчас..
Это пример шедевра
Audi Q7, 2012
1 000 000 руб. 3.0 АТ внедорожник менее 5 000 км, пробейте цену на этот авто, продают автос с реальным наваром 2 лимона...
Причем на некоторых сайтах объявлений в подобном стиле до 50%...
Добавлено спустя некоторое время Я имел в иду что продаваемый авто дешевле на 2 лимона от средний цены авто в этом классе... Купил и смело можно заработать 2 лимона на перепродаже. Только что странно, покупатели в очередь не становятся.
Кто в курсе какие схемы развода применяют чаще всего.